A healthy, easy banana pancakes recipe…done in 10mins? Deal!
If you’re anything like me, you’ll get bored of eating the same old thing for breakfast day in, day out. That doesn’t always mean I want to wade through pats of butter and cups of sugar though…sometimes you want something different which feels like a treat but isn’t too naughty for you. There’s a time and a place for utterly healthy ideas, see some of mine here, but sometimes piously healthy just isn’t going to cut the mustard (urgh, weird food idiom for breakfast time…) so, come forth, the healthy, easy banana pancakes recipe – good for getting protein in for breakfast (egg) and fruit (1 banana and optional berries). It’s a treat, but unlike a croissant, it’ll do you good whilst making you feel treated!
This is my go-to, weekday pancake recipe because all it contains is 1 egg, 1 tbsp self-raising flour and a banana. An electric whisk makes things quicker, but whisking by hand is an option too. What could be easier?!
Healthy, Easy Banana Pancakes Recipe – Serves 2
1 banana (preferably ripe or over-ripe), fork-mashed
1 tbsp self-raising flour
1 free-range egg
(c. 10g butter, for your pan – you could use a flavourless oil on a piece of kitchen roll if you prefer, just wipe the oiled paper around the pan instead of the butter)
optional – 1 handful frozen berries, 1tbsp maple syrup
-Take two bowls. Separate your egg, putting white in one bowl and egg yolk in another.
-Add your mashed banana and flour to your yolk. Whisk (if not using an electric whisk, just mix these ingredients through thoroughly with a fork or spoon).
-Whisk your egg whites until they make soft peaks. This is under a minute of electric whisking.
-Gently fold your egg whites through your yolk mixture. Get a (preferably non-stick) frying pan heating on the hob, on medium.
-Take your small nob of butter and wipe it around your pan, removing it when the surface is fully greased. This is so the pancakes don’t stick, and so they go a lovely golden crispy colour. It also means you don’t have to add any butter at the end.
-With a tablespoon, ladle 2 (or 4, if you have a big frying pan) spoons of mix into your medium hot pan. Keep an eye on the edges. After a minute or so flip your pancakes. Remove from the pan and repeat (adding another greasing of your butter each time you add fresh mix).
Storing your pancakes in a low-heat oven once you remove them from the pan means the first batch will stay warm whilst you cook the rest.
-If you’re using maple syrup and fruit, take your frozen berries and put into a microwave-safe bowl. Add 1 tbsp maple syrup, and microwave for 20-30 seconds, or until the berries are beginning to pop into the syrup. This makes it a little more
of a treat, but only uses 1tbsp syrup between 2, and adds some fruit into the mix…it’s not getting your day started too terribly. If you’re f
eeling a little healthier, add a small dollop of Greek yoghurt and a handful of fresh berries instead.
When all your pancake mix is cooked (it makes 6 pancakes if you use my 1tbsp mix-ratio), serve up, spooning over your maple syrup berries.
Enjoy! x